Qwiki Syntax Rules:
QwikiWiki uses its own syntactical rule set. It may seem rather terse and complex when you read it here, but it really is quite simple and natural as you do it. For example, the text that created all this is shown at the end of this page. |
Creating Headings
Any line containing at least two words, all of which are capitalized, becomes a heading. |
Any Other Line: That starts with one or more capitalized words followed by a colon becomes a sub-heading. |
| Each line is intended as many times as there are spaces at the beginning. |
Creating Lists
Any line starting with a "bullet identifier" becomes a line in a list. Bullet identifiers (including numbered and non-numbered) can be mixed-and-matched at will. The supported bullet identifiers are as follows: |
 | Question Mark (?): Creates a "question item" |
 | Exclamation Mark (!): Creates an "action item" |
— | Hyphen (-): Creates a hyphenated line |
• | Period (.): Creates a bulleted line |
1. | Number: Creates a numbered line. Any numbered line starting with one resets the list counter. Lines starting with numbers other than one are renumbered as necessary. Likewise, the list counter is reset with every heading. |
Automatic Linking
Text in a QwikiWiki page is scanned for several patterns, which automatically produce links of the following types: |
— | Any word with "CamelBack" capitalization (meaning "UPPERCASE lowercase UPPERCASE lowercase" etc) becomes a link to a page with its corresponding name, such as QwikiWiki. |
| |  | Note: You can disable this on a per-instance basis by prefacing the word with an exclamation point (!), or by adding the word to the 'ignoreQwikiTagArray' variable in _config.php . |
— | Any group of words surrounded and separated by underscores (_) becomes a link to a page with its corresponding name, such as Home. |
Formatting Notes
— | Words surrounded by asteriks (*) become bold. |
— | Words surrounded by forward-slashes (/) become italicized. |
— | Words surrounded by pound-signs (#) are shown as code . |
HTML Notes
— | QwikiSyntax and HTML can be freely intermixed, though care must be taken to avoid conflicting with the other automated markup rules. |
| |  | Note: To insert HTML code that should be visible to the user, be sure to replace the '<' and '>' with '<' and '>', respectively, |
— | Text surrounded by <HTML> and </HTML> tags will be ignored by QwikiWiki and passed to the browser without alteration. |
| |  | Note: For security reasons, only a subset of HTML tags are allowed in QwikiWiki pages. The specific set allowed is up to the administrator; click Help when editing a page to see the complete list of acceptable HTML tags. |
Attached Files And Images
If enabled by the QwikiWiki administrator, you can upload and "attach" files to each page. Attached files are stored in a page-specific subdirectory, and can be linked to from within the page by simply typing its filename into the page text. If the attached file is an image type (GIF, JPG, PNG), it is inserted directly rather than linked to. |
| |  | Note: Only certain file types can be attached, as specified by QwikiWiki administrator. Click Help when editing a page to see the complete list of acceptable file types. |
For Example: This Page's Source
As a concrete example of how to use QwikiSyntax to write a rich QwikiWiki page, the text that actually generates this page is shown below. |
Qwiki Syntax Rules:
QwikiWiki uses its own syntactical rule set. It may seem rather terse and
complex when you read it here, but it really is quite simple and natural as
you do it. For example, the text that created all this is shown at the end of
this page.
Creating Headings
Any line containing at least two words, all of which are capitalized, becomes
a heading.
Any Other Line: That starts with one or more capitalized words followed by a
colon becomes a sub-heading.
Each line is intended as many times as there are spaces at the beginning.
Creating Lists
Any line starting with a "bullet identifier" becomes a line in a list. Bullet
identifiers (including numbered and non-numbered) can be mixed-and-matched at
will. The supported bullet identifiers are as follows:
? Question Mark (?): Creates a "question item"
! Exclamation Mark (!): Creates an "action item"
- Hyphen (-): Creates a hyphenated line
. Period (.): Creates a bulleted line
1. Number: Creates a numbered line. Any numbered line starting with one
resets the list counter. Lines starting with numbers other than one are
renumbered as necessary. Likewise, the list counter is reset with every
Automatic Linking
Text in a QwikiWiki page is scanned for several patterns, which automatically
produce links of the following types:
- Email addresses and DNS names become hyperlinks, as do URLs of the form
- Any word with "!CamelBack" capitalization (meaning "UPPERCASE lowercase
UPPERCASE lowercase" etc) becomes a link to a page with its corresponding
name, such as QwikiWiki.
! Note: You can disable this on a per-instance basis by prefacing the word
with an exclamation point (!), or by adding the word to the
#'ignoreQwikiTagArray'# variable in #_config.php#.
- Any group of words surrounded and separated by underscores (_) becomes a
link to a page with its corresponding name, such as _Home_.
Formatting Notes
- Words surrounded by asteriks (*) become *bold*.
- Words surrounded by forward-slashes (/) become /italicized/.
- Words surrounded by pound-signs (#) are shown as #code#.
HTML Notes
- QwikiSyntax and HTML can be freely intermixed, though care must be taken to
avoid conflicting with the other automated markup rules.
! Note: To insert HTML code that should be visible to the user, be sure to
replace the '<' and '>' with '<' and '>', respectively,
- Text surrounded by <HTML> and </HTML> tags will be ignored by
QwikiWiki and passed to the browser without alteration.
! Note: For security reasons, only a subset of HTML tags are allowed in
QwikiWiki pages. The specific set allowed is up to the administrator; click
*Help* when editing a page to see the complete list of acceptable HTML tags.
Attached Files And Images
If enabled by the QwikiWiki administrator, you can upload and "attach" files
to each page. Attached files are stored in a page-specific subdirectory, and
can be linked to from within the page by simply typing its filename into the
page text. If the attached file is an image type (GIF, JPG, PNG), it is
inserted directly rather than linked to.
! Note: Only certain file types can be attached, as specified by QwikiWiki
administrator. Click *Help* when editing a page to see the complete list of
acceptable file types.
For even more information about how QwikiWiki converts normal text into attractive HTML, visit www.qwikiwiki.com. |